Frequent Asked Questions

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What is Family Constellations ?

Family constellations or systemic group work is a form of therapy originated by Bert Hellinger that removes energetic family entanglements that allows love flow more freely within the individuals life. Systemic work views the individual as part of a system therefore problems in the person’s life can be alleviated through understanding the dynamics of their original family system by viewing it as a whole.

By relaxing into the system and saying ‘yes’ to the laws that govern family movements allows the person relax with life. The laws that govern families are designed to protect the survival of the individual and family which cannot be circumnavigated. Violation of these laws results in suffering but violations are caused not by rebelliousness but through a ‘unconscious blind love’.

The way the work highlights these hidden blind loyalties is through the setting up of a constellation whereby group participants play the energetic role of the family of origin. Through careful analysis of the energetic field (morphic field) hidden entanglements are revealed that show the destructive patterns that are causing the suffering in the client’s life.

Healing movements and healing sentences are then introduced that bring clarity and love back into the family dynamic. The collection conscious as opposed to the personal/group conscious within the family unit can also be exposed to identify the dynamic of life whereby we are all one unit of consciousness.

I was trained in family constellation by Svagito Liebermeister a disciple of the Indian enlightened master Osho.

What is Psychotherapy and depth psychology?

Psychotherapy is derived from Latin meaning to heal the soul. In our western frame of reference, it simply means to make sense of the world. As a trained Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and family constellation therapist I know that the subconscious contains the emotional drives of life whereby the conscious mind contains the day to day processing of life. Psychotherapy identifies the hidden drives in operation that colour our actions and behaviour. It can treat such common conditions as depression, anxiety, stress, fears and phobias, addictions and compulsions etc.

Depth psychology derived from Jungian psychology, analyses the client’s life in terms of the ego, shadow, anima and animus complex, persona and self. I utilise dream analysis, relationships and the events of life to uncover the hidden forces of life that are emerging from the depths of the subconscious.

What is a Analytical Hypnotherapy?

This is the process by which I analyse the language that the client utilises taken direct from the subconscious. This identifies the ego, shadow, anima/animus etc and the integration process of individuation occurring at that time.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is the energetic ability that allows the Shaman journey or travel to different energetic spaces to recover lost energetic light body parts in order to bring back wholeness into the client’s life. Soul retrieval is the process by which the client returns back soul fragments to the client which got displaced during moments of trauma.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the use of the altered state of hypnosis whereby the client is placed under a trace and dynamic psychotherapy is utilised to uncover and solicit deep change within the mind of the client.

What is a Narcissist, a Psychopath and a Sociopath?

Narcissism is a mental psychological condition whereby the person has an inflated sense of their own importance (grandiose behaviour), a deep need for excessive attention or admiration, troubled relationships and a lack of empathy for others. They feel shame and have low self-esteem. Narcissist’s are capable of feeling empathy whereas a psychopath is incapable of feeling empathy.

The difference between a psychopath (anti-social behaviour disorder) and a sociopath is that a psychopath is born that way and a sociopath is made that way through life’s experiences. Psychopaths have no guilt and no shame. They have no remorse when someone gets hurt. In business they don’t care who gets in their way as they must win at all costs whereas a narcissist may act in a similar fashion but will say ‘I hope no one gets hurt’. Psychopaths and sociopaths will not seek therapy and do not think of the consequences of their actions as they act first and think later. Psychopaths are great salesmen as they study other people’s vulnerabilities i.e. so that they can sell them a car and therefore use the other person to achieve what they want.

It is generally accepted that up to 15% of the population may be narcissistic. There are four types of narcissist – classic, malignant, covert and communal. Read more about Narcissism here.